Hi there!
It's been a while since I've posted, and now that I'm unemployed I've finally had more time on my hands to get back to blogging. I went to Ireland last month, and before I left, which also contributes to my lack of posts, I went to the gym almost every day for 6 straight weeks. I wound up losing several pounds and a couple of inches, but the motivation of European travel isn't always available these days,
So, being a multi-tasker, I wanted to do a workout that combined exercise with a TV program or movie. I did a search and found a Star Trek workout which was fun, but it needed to have more scenarios that prompted a workout, as some episodes are more cerebral rather than action oriented. I chose to write up my own for Disney movies instead, although I do plan to do my own Trek one soon.
In terms of a Disney workout, I wanted to put together one that could be used for any Disney movie (Pixar included), and not just the Princess movies. So here’s my attempt, and please feel free to try it; and if you really want to push yourself, try adding 5-10 lb dumbbells with the exercise would be appropriate. If you like it, I’d appreciate the feedback!
A character sings a song – 10 jumping jacks
A song is sung but not by a character in the movie – 20 jumping jacks
True love’s kiss – 30 second plank
A wish comes true – 10 crunches
Magic is used – 10 push ups
Dancing of any kind – 15 jump ropes
A sword fight ensues or a hero battles with a sword – bicycle crunch for 30 seconds
A daring escape is executed or the heroes narrowly survive a dangerous situation – 30 second side plank, 1 set for each side
Horses, carriages, cars, flying or any other kind of transportation is used – 20 jab punches, 10 each side
Each time a character transforms – 10 squats (good luck with Aladdin!)
Showdown with the villain – 20 dead lifts with either hand weights or lightly weighted bar
A death defying fall results in no injuries – hold a squat for 30 seconds
Inanimate objects, plants or any form of nature is alive – 10 skaters
A parent dies – 30 side kicks, 15 each side
A supporting character causes some kind of calamity or is klutzy – 20 pullover crunches
Animals don’t talk but can still communicate with their human friends – 20 high knee jump ropes
Animals talk in front of humans but aren't understood by them – 10 warrior poses
Animals come when called – 5 bridges, hold for 15 seconds each
A disguise is used – 20 side crunches, 10 each side
A character is rescued or saved at the last second – 10 side-shuffle-switches
A lie is told – 15 lunges
The love interests are unwillingly separated from each other – 10 dirty dog/fire hydrant leg raises, 5 each side
There’s a huge betrayal or a good or bad guys turns – 20 mountain climbers
Treasure is involved – 15 reverse crunches
A character gets left or falls behind – 20 push ups
A character isn't dead or is brought back to life – 20 vertical crunches
Someone sacrifices themselves for or defends another character – 20 donkey kicks
A character voiced by Jim Cummings is onscreen – run in place until he’s gone
You spot an Easter egg – 50 jumping jacks
If some of these exercises aren't quite clear, then please make sure to look them up before trying this out. Good luck!